Social Media Management
Social media management is a cost-effective and time efficient means of engaging with your potential clients and others from your wider industry. We understand that many small businesses and other organisations lack the time to engage completely with social media or do not understand the processes behind it. If this sounds like you, feel free to get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help.[responsive]
At Rippleout, we specialise in engaging with high-quality leads and in developing your following to ensure it is relevant and targeted towards developing your business – freeing up your time to let you carry on doing what you do best!
Social Media Channels
Oscar Wilde once said that ‘the only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about’ – something we feel is still true today. We can utilise a range of channels to develop your social media following, including:
Facebook – We can build your company page from scratch, including creating copy for your description and other key pages. On an on-going basis we can post updates on your behalf, generate new followers through competitions and other interactive approaches, and share your news and content to keep fans engaged.
Twitter – If you don’t have an account, we can create this for you, as well as branding your Twitter profile page and ensuring your description is as effective as possible. Moving forwards, we can manage all your out-going posts and any necessary replies and interaction with other Twitter users. We have vast experience in utilising Twitter to develop relationships for our clients and in developing leads through Twitter. We do not engage in buying followers – instead we work to ensure that your follower base is made up of relevant and engaged Twitter users, potential leads and other industry contacts.
LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a key channel for businesses today, particularly those looking to engage in B2B sales and develop professional relationships. We have vast experience in creating and managing LinkedIn company pages and showcase pages for any sub-brands or key products for instance. We can design and create these pages, as well as working with company staff to develop their own LinkedIn profiles and promote the business to a wider audience.
Google+ – Google+ (or Google Plus) is increasingly becoming an important part of the social media mix for a number of reasons, including search engine optimisation and the channel’s growing user base. We work with our clients to design and build a company page, as well as linking this to the company website for validation purposes, and ensuring regular content is published to generate traffic and leads.
Interested in what we’ve got to say about social media and social media management? Why not check out our blog? There’s a range of articles on the topic of social media, including this one about how to find leads via Twitter, and this one about why you shouldn’t buy Twitter followers. If you like what you read, drop us a line!